Vitamin D and Sunshine. - Continued.

when these sun-avoidance recommendations were first implemented." For a better understanding of sunlight’s important role in maintaining optimal health, I recommend watching Dr. Mercola's free one-hour lecture on the topic. Mercola's book, Dark Deception, also looks into the health benefits of safe and appropriate sun exposure. Previous studies have actually found that more than one million people die every year from lack of sun exposure and the result of vitamin D deficiency, so fear of the sun is really something that needs to be overcome.

William Faloon’s piece in Life Extension Magazine, titled Millions of Needless Deaths explains how raising vitamin D levels could cut US health care costs by tens of billions of dollars each year. For example, vitamin D has been shown to reduce heart attack rates by 142% – Lipitor’s claim of reducing heart attacks by 37% pales in comparison. Faloon's article was based on scientific evidence documenting how vast numbers of lives could be spared if everyone took at least 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day.

According to John Jacob Cannell, MD, founder of the non-profit Vitamin D Counsel: “Current research indicates vitamin D deficiency plays a role in causing seventeen varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, and periodontal disease.
This does not mean that vitamin D deficiency is the only cause of these diseases, or that you will not get them if you take vitamin D. What it does mean is that vitamin D, and the many ways in which it affects a person’s health, can no longer be overlooked by the health care industry nor by individuals striving to achieve and maintain a greater state of health.”

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Struggling with Cancer, Diabetes, Weight Loss or Depression?

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," -- Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine 2.5 thousand years ago.

A natural diet can be the cure, and it's easier than you think.

These days it's practically impossible to turn on the TV or open a newspaper without seeing some kind of evidence that eating poor-quality food can make you ill or at least below par, while eating fresh, wholesome food gives you a much better chance of staying fit and healthy.

As Patrick Holford says "we have to stop digging our graves with our knife and fork". So in this case the best measure is prevention and the logical route is to change what you put in your mouth, exercise more and learn how to handle stress better.

Watch Food Matters
Healthy living starts with addressing your belief systems and then following with consistent action towards total mind-body wellness. Understanding the problems with conventional agriculture and the real motives behind the health care and pharmaceutical industries is a critical step in making discerning decisions for your health. This film helps you not to fall victim of these revolving door establishments.

Shop Organic
Using organic produce in the process of healing the body is essential. Reducing toxic load in all forms is a primary aim so as to reduce the load on one's immune system allowing it to activate the body's own healing mechanism. It should go without saying but eat less processed foods and more wholesome foods! This means reading labels. The fewer ingredients the better, and if you see chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors (usually represented by numbers) leave it on the shelf!

Eat More Superfoods
Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. The shortlist of superfoods: wheat grass, chlorella, green leafy veggies, goji berries, raw cacao, coconuts and coconut oil, bee pollen and bee propolis and sea vegetables like dulse.

Detoxify Your Body
It is super important to remove unwanted toxins from the system that may be interfering with the natural pathways of the brain and vital organs.

Premium Access: Cancer Video Lessons

The 'Food Matters - Cancer Video Lessons' are an extension of the documentary film 'Food Matters' featuring never before seen footage focusing specifically on Cancer issues. This lecture series features a collection of interviews with leading Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Scientists, M.D.'s and Medical Journalists who share the secrets to treating and preventing cancer naturally without chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. Within these video lessons you will have access to over 6 hours of one on one interview footage with the help of an accompanying Video Lessons Study Guide.

What Will You Learn In This program?

  • Which treatments are most effective whether you’ve just been diagnosed or are facing stage 4 (IV)
  • The importance of Nutrition and Natural Therapies for beating Cancer Naturally
  • Specific information on which foods, therapies and vitamin and mineral supplements can promote healing
  • Explanation on the discovery, application and use of the Gerson Therapy for treating Cancer
  • How to most effectively detoxify the body and rebuild the nutrients safely
  • Why you’ve never been told about these options before and why most doctors and oncologists do not advocate these safe and effective modalities
  • The dangers of chemotherapy and radiation and the ‘business’ behind Cancer
  • The true causes of Cancer and how you can build your bodies own defenses naturally to live a long, healthy and abundant life.
"James and Laurentine provide a radiant beacon of hope with steps you can do today to take control of your health and begin healing. This is such important information - and much aligned with my personal health philosophies. It’s time to get it out to everyone who will listen."
- Dr Joseph Mercola - Author of the world's most popular online Natural Health Newsletter.

There is a Free Trial, just look for the Premium Access page.